The Dangerous Hamster Wheel of a Materialistic Lifestyle
An actress once said, “The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” We can sometimes get so caught up in doing something that we forget to ask whether we should be doing it at all, or how it could be shaping and changing us for the worse. The American dream far too often turns into a nightmare of epic proportions. By the time we realize it, we’re already hip-deep into it. The Lord made us as ensouled bodies, or embodied souls; whichever way you put it, we are spiritual and physical beings, made from the dust of the ground, but with the breath of God inside us (Genesis 2:7). Our bodies and spirits need sustenance, though we often find ourselves looking after one over the other. Our material needs can seem more pressing than other needs, leading us to value the things that meet those needs. If a person becomes materialistic, it can introduce an imbalance in their life that’s detrimental to their wellbeing. Why Materialism Is a Hamster Wheel Of the many things that Jesus spoke about, money was a frequent topic. He understood how anxious we get about what we will eat, drink, or wear, and a lot of His teaching was to help His disciples become free of the anxieties about these things (Matthew 6:19-34; Luke 12:13:34). When we don’t know what tomorrow brings, it seems our first instinct is to worry about it and try to future-proof our lives. Most of us wouldn’t call ourselves materialistic. Materialism can be understood as valuing physical or tangible things more than we value spiritual things. A materialist person could even be described as living as though the only reality, or the only one that matters, is what we can see, [...]