Kate Motaung

About Kate Motaung

Kate Motaung is the Senior Writer, Editor, and Content Manager for a multi-state company. She is the author of several books including Letters to Grief, 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times, and A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and Belonging. Kate is also the host of Five Minute Friday, an online writing community that equips and encourages Christian writers, and the owner of Refine Services, a company that offers editing services. She and her South African husband have three young adult children and currently live in West Michigan. Find Kate’s books at katemotaung.com/books.

Growing Deeper: Nurturing Intimacy with God

July 8th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Why are you here? That is one of the larger questions that we must face. The ancient philosopher Socrates wrote that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Part of what he was trying to say is that human beings are the sort of creatures that possess and need to make use of the ability to think critically about life and meaning. People are not like all other living creatures in the world that exist without thinking. For all people – Christians and non-Christians, alike – the reason for our existence is God, the creator of heaven and earth. John Piper, a pastor and author has written about what he calls Christian hedonism, and he says our purpose for being is tied to God’s glory and our enjoyment of Him. He’s famously written that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. When our deepest delight and most constant joy is rooted in our enjoyment of God and fellowship with Him, that’s when we’re bringing the greatest glory to God even as He meets our innermost need. It’s worthwhile asking yourself why you are here. Examining your life and reflecting on Scripture might yield the conclusion that nurturing intimacy with God should be one of our key concerns in life. After all, we can only fully enjoy and appreciate what we know. Intimacy with God is like the intimacy we have with other people. Intimacy is about feeling close, being connected, and having a sense of treasured shared experience with someone. Psalm 139 reminds us that God knows us better than we could ever know ourselves, while Jeremiah 17:9-10 urges us to consider the truth that our hearts are deceitful, and only God can search our hearts and plumb their depths. The storyline of the [...]

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How to Address Resentment in Marriage

June 30th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Your spouse is the person with whom you’ve chosen to spend the rest of your life. He or she can sometimes become the person who causes you the deepest pain, which can lead to resentment in marriage. C.S. Lewis once wrote, "To love at all is to be vulnerable." You can’t truly love someone without being open to them, sharing yourself with them, and possibly being hurt by them. This is the risk we all take in forming relationships with other people, and while it’s a risk worth taking to experience love, it can be an expensive risk. How resentment in marriage happens Of course, your spouse isn’t supposed to hurt you, but all too often that’s precisely what happens. When a loved one hurts you, what often compounds that hurt is the sense of betrayal – surely they, of all people, ought to know that this would hurt. A stranger can hurt you, but you don’t expect them to look out for you; you do expect those who love you to show some consideration. When you’re hurt, the anger and ill feeling that flows from that can cause resentment. Resentment is a complex emotion that combines anger, disgust, fear, and disappointment. It can set in if a person repeatedly doesn’t respect your boundaries, take advantage of you, or they show preferential treatment to someone else, or they disappoint your expectations. This can happen in marriage if one spouse doesn’t do their chores routinely and expects their spouse to pick up the slack. It happens if the words “Thank you” are absent in a marriage, and one feels taken for granted. Resentment can develop if one spouse makes fun of the other in the company, or if one spouse has an affair or withholds affection. When these and other [...]

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Benefits of a Secure Attachment Style for Relationships

June 17th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

As social and relational beings, we thrive when our relationships are deep, meaningful, and connected. You can have money, property, fame, and beauty, but if you have poor relationships with others, that’s a void that can’t be filled and it will be deeply felt. While God has designed us to be relational, part of the tragedy of the human condition is that we live in a world that’s broken, and that brokenness extends to our relationships, preventing secure attachment. Secure attachment: What is it? We learn how best to relate to others when we are young. That’s when we form our emotional and mental maps of the world. When children’s needs are met consistently and their expressions of emotion are welcomed and met with understanding, comfort, and support, all this helps them feel secure. They can be vulnerable and safe, which allows them to express themselves and know that they are loved. This is what is called secure attachment. When people are securely attached, they have healthy self-understanding, the ability to express their emotions and needs, and a willingness to trust. Because their needs were met consistently and meaningfully, they can relate to others in a healthy way that’s free from anxiety or fear. Ideally, everyone should have a home environment in which they are loved, given room for self-expression, and their needs met. We long to experience the joy of being loved and of loving others, and our hearts ache when this basic desire is not met. The people that are closest to us – our families, friends, and such – don’t always show up in the best way possible. This can occur when issues of alcohol abuse and domestic violence are present or you experience neglect and abandonment, whether physically or emotionally. When a person’s needs aren’t [...]

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The Substance of Shame: Navigating Chemical Dependency

June 13th, 2023|Chemical Dependency, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Struggle and shame are two of several universal elements that connect us in this human experience. Our backgrounds or the circumstances that led us to begin using our drug of choice may differ. Yet, those of us in recovery, or at least seeking freedom from substance abuse disorder or chemical dependency, are fully aware of our commonalities. Personal battles bring ups and downs, pushing and pulling, twisting and turning our souls. It leaves us weary, longing for the rest from labor that the Messiah promised in His Presence (Matthew 11:28-30). Though we may all experience struggles, the work of the enemy is to persuade us that ours make us weird, different, and not accepted among others. Like Adam and Eve, we retreat to the shadows. We try to find our cover in the darkness, and among the shadows that veil who we are and what we have encountered. This, however, doesn’t stop the voice of God from coming for us, in between the narrow spaces where we have clustered ourselves, clinging to invisibility, yet craving to be known and loved. Chemical dependency: Struggle, shame, and stigma We all experience it, though it may vary from one person to the next. It can make us want to cringe and cover ourselves in shame. Addiction is often accompanied by stigma. Even among other believers who share our faith in Christ, we can feel lonely and isolated. Somehow, we tend to believe that our struggle is unrelatable. Whether we are still getting high and struggling, sober and still struggling to remain clean, or sponsoring others in their journey, we must know that God is faithful. Scripture describes the connection as an irrevocable marriage covenantto the backslider, the one who has fallen and needs help to get up or get up again. If [...]

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Overcoming Some Common Women’s Insecurities

May 25th, 2023|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Women’s Issues|

Many women struggle with some level of doubts and insecurities about themselves. This may result from things people have said to them, whether it’s a friend or family member or just a colleague they are not even close to. It may even originate primarily in their minds as a result of assumptions they have made about what people around them may be thinking. Particularly in our age of social media, it can be easy to compare yourself to others out there and feel like you don’t measure up. Insecurities can be slight, just a niggling doubt in the back of the mind, or they can be completely overwhelming and even debilitating, making it hard to face the daily challenges that come your way. Before you know it, you are filled with self-doubt and feeling like you fall short. 5 Common Insecurities Women Face Some common insecurities that women struggle with include physical insecurities, relationship insecurities, social insecurities, intellectual insecurities, and spiritual insecurities. 1. Physical insecurities are those doubts you feel about the way that you look. Whether you believe some beauty standard from society or via social media, or you simply compare yourself to someone you know it can cause insecurity. Once you have decided that something specific fits the definition of beauty, it can be easy to start comparing yourself to that and feeling like you fall short. When this happens, it can be hard to escape the feeling that you’re too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, or that somehow you’re not pretty enough. 2. Another major area of insecurities is relationships. In terms of a romantic relationship, a woman can question whether she is desirable as a partner and whether her partner might leave her for someone else. If this is a deeply rooted insecurity, [...]

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Finding the Right Help for Your Teen

May 10th, 2023|Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Life can be a turbulent journey that takes savvy and deep wisdom to negotiate well. As a parent, you face a variety of challenges, not least of which is getting help for your teen to live in ways that help them flourish as they mature in the Lord. In moments of honest vulnerability, parents will often acknowledge that they don’t have it all figured out and have a lot to learn when it comes to parenting their kids. That’s all right. It’s more common than you’d think and help is available. Does my teen need counseling? Teens are figuring out who they are in a new phase of life. If parents struggle trying to figure out how to help for their teen as they struggle through the changes initiated by adolescence, imagine how those teens are experiencing this bewildering time. Of course, 21st-century children have no shortage of voices telling them who they should be, from friends at school, influencers on social media, and the adults in their life. Much of the “wisdom” your teen encounters will likely not be helpful or may conflict with your values as a family. Your teen may need counseling in certain circumstances, including the following: Their grades are dropping, and they’re getting in trouble at school. Their weight and appetite change dramatically. They become more isolated and withdrawn, and they seem sad. They begin harming themselves, and they talk about death and dying. They begin abusing substances, from recreational and other drugs to alcohol and other substances to get a high. They are engaging in high-risk behavior such as unprotected and promiscuous sex, or reckless driving. They have unexplained anger outbursts, and they struggle to regulate their emotions. It’s important to remember that becoming a teenager will bring changes, and each child will [...]

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Care, Cope, Counsel: Navigating Grief

May 10th, 2023|Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling|

Contrary to the popular saying, time does not heal all wounds. What we do with the passage of our days and years is actually what bears the most significant impact on our mental, emotional, and spiritual state. Such is the case when we are navigating the experience of grief. While we often define it in the context of death, grief itself encompasses the emotional anguish we experience following loss of any sort. Death is one of the experiences that we cannot escape in life. When we experience a loss of life, we encounter a range of different emotions. In response, we can feel stunned and bewildered, angry or incredulous. Navigating grief can be uncomfortable and unsettling. Having a roadmap to acquaint ourselves with grief’s stages can help us to better understand the mystery of our thoughts and emotions. Whether the loss is sudden or we expected a loved one to pass away, every loss is different. Our response will not be the same as another person’s, as grief is an experience that impacts human beings differently. The differences don’t only surface between experiences, but also within ourselves. We may grieve various losses differently than how we previously processed the loss of friends and family. It is important to acknowledge that fact and receive grace to absorb the present reality. In whatever stage of grief we find ourselves in, we can be reminded that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He is present in times of sorrow, to console us and bottle our tears. He is our peace and strength, even as we hurt and heal. Navigating grief involves various stages. We don’t necessarily advance from one stage to another linearly and we may even experience some phases simultaneously or in a different order. As one might imagine, when we [...]

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How to Communicate Better with Your Child

February 18th, 2023|Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Your child listens and learns from you through your words, the tone and sound of your voice, your facial expression, and the affection that accompanies them when you interact with them. Learning to communicate better with your child is a valuable skill. You can learn how. Relying on personal experience or traditions from your family of origin may not be sufficient. Being clear with yourself that better communication can be learned means that you will likely take advantage of this opportunity and familiarize yourself with the various ways we communicate with our children. This is important as the way you parent and relate messages to your child teaches them how to communicate with others, it shapes their emotional development, and forms the method they will use to build relationships as they grow up. Knowing how to communicate better with your child is important and powerful. The self-concept that your child will develop as a result of their early childhood experiences gives them a sense of who they are, as well as their interpretation of their place within their family and community. Their ability to manage stress, feel confident and motivate themselves as adults is intrinsically linked to their experiences as a child between the ages of two and six years. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the relationship with the child is positive and so strengthen this outcome. Feeling blamed, judged, criticized, and the butt of jokes may fuel a negative cycle. This can lead to a self-perception that they deserve blame, judgement, criticism, and scorn. How to communicate better It is important to know there are two different types of communication. Verbal communication is the way we communicate with our words. Non-verbal communication includes both intentional and unintentional communication through body language. Verbal communication includes the [...]

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Chronic Illness and Depression: How to Find Hope and Support

January 18th, 2023|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

It is more common for people who suffer from chronic illnesses to also struggle with depression. Unfortunately, people who suffer from depression also have an increased risk of developing a chronic illness. However, depression can still be treated even if you have a chronic illness. What is a chronic illness? A condition that usually lasts three months or longer. Is not preventable by vaccination. Has no existing cure, even if it is treatable. Heart disease, stroke, and ongoing pain are examples of some of the most prevalent types of chronic conditions (diseases). It is estimated that more than one hundred million people in the United States are coping with at least one chronic illness, and the majority of them are managing at least two illnesses simultaneously. There is a high rate of inaccuracy and delay in the diagnosis of chronic diseases. When you are aware that something  is wrong with your body but you are unable to get a diagnosis or treatment for it, it can be an extremely taxing experience on your emotional well-being. After receiving a diagnosis, additional issues might appear. In general, the treatment focuses on the physical aspects of the disease the vast majority of the time; in the meantime, the mental and emotional aspects may not receive the appropriate attention. It may be difficult for you to articulate how you are feeling in the beginning stages of a chronic illness as well as throughout the illness itself. In general, the treatment focuses on the physical aspects of the disease the vast majority of the time; in the meantime, the mental and emotional aspects may not receive the appropriate attention. Working through a chronic illness diagnosis A diagnosis of chronic illness can cause a person to experience a sense of having lost touch with who [...]

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Active Listening: Benefits and Examples

December 27th, 2022|Personal Development|

Active listening is a listening style that allows you to communicate better with your partner. It is the process of listening carefully to what others say, repeating and reflecting on them, and remembering their judgments and advice. Actively listening makes others feel heard and respected. This is a solid foundation for successful interviews, whether at work, at home, or in a social setting. Benefits of Active Listening Developing the habit of active listening can have many positive effects in important areas of your life. Relationships Active listening in all forms of communication helps you understand and empathize with the other person’s point of view. Active listening in a relationship means recognizing that the conversation is more about your partner than it is about you. This is especially important when your partner is upset. Being able to actively listen to a partner who is going through a difficult time is a valuable skill. This will help you avoid giving opinions and solutions when the other person needs you to listen. At work Active listening at work is especially important if you are in a leadership position or interact a lot with your colleagues. This helps us understand the problem and work together to develop a solution. It also demonstrates perseverance, a valuable asset in any workplace. Social situations Active listening skills such as reflecting, asking questions, seeking explanations, and paying attention to body language can help develop relationships when meeting new people. Active and empathetic listeners can initiate and maintain conversations. Active listening skills can help improve communication skills, but symptoms don’t just go away if you have a social anxiety disorder. Getting professional help for anxiety can help you improve your active listening skills. How to Encourage Active Listening We all find ourselves in situations where the “listener” is [...]

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