Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Anger During Daily Commutes

By |August 28th, 2024|Anger Issues, Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

According to the United States Census Bureau, the average commute in America has increased over the last few years to a new high of about an hour per day roundtrip. This means that the average adult spends nearly twenty hours a month traveling to and from their daily responsibilities. If you struggle with anxiety and anger, this has all the ingredients for an outburst. Knowing that you are facing potential triggers is the first step in learning to avoid them. Tips to manage anxiety and anger Here are some other tips to help you manage your anxiety and anger during your daily commute. Eat a balanced breakfast Being “hangry” (being simultaneously hungry and angry) is a real thing. Often our emotions are highest when we are hungry. Allowing enough time in your morning routine to have a healthy breakfast will help regulate your emotions. Include protein and healthy fats to stabilize blood sugar levels. Limit stimulants Avoid sugar and caffeine which can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Before and during your commute drink water or herbal tea instead of coffee or sugary drinks. Get plenty of sleep As tempting as it is to stay up all night and flip through social media, getting a good night’s rest the night before can help you stay emotionally balanced throughout the day. Be prepared Being prepared is key to reducing anxiety. Before your commute, take a few minutes to ensure that everything you need is ready. This might include planning your route and checking for possible delays, packing your bag the night before, and setting out your clothes ahead of time to minimize morning decisions. Avoid triggers If you know that you get emotionally charged from listening to sports broadcasts or heated political debates, don’t. If driving past your ex-fiancée’s house will put you [...]