Family Counseling

Quick Ways to Ease Moving Stress for Your Family

By |May 22nd, 2024|Coaching, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Setting off on a brand-new adventure can be a whole lot of fun. Of course, going out and starting something new can also be scary in its own way. Moving to a new house can be an adventure for a family, but moving stress is also one of the more intense things a person can experience. If it’s stressful for the adults in the situation, it’s quite likely that the children will also be feeling stressed. There are some quick and easy ways for you to make your move as stress-free as possible for your family. Being prepared and organized can help you face your move with confidence, and you can make it into your new home with your good humor, and your relationships with one another, intact. Why moving is stressful The top five stressors that a person can experience include the death of a loved one, experiencing a long-term illness, divorce or separation from your spouse, moving, and job loss. Moving house can be stressful mostly because change goes against our habituated nature. When you have your established routines, friendship circles, favorite coffee shop, and park, leaving those behind in a move can be difficult. Moving, in some ways, can induce a sense of loss. The thought of moving and being uprooted from everything familiar to you can trigger grief, even if it is anticipatory grief at the thought of what you might be losing with your move away from your current home. In addition to these reasons, moving can also be stressful because of the circumstances under which the move is undertaken. If you move because of financial troubles, or because you and your family experienced a traumatic event such as a fire, that adds to the stress of moving. Unexpected moves due to a family [...]

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Tips for Making Family Counseling Successful

By |October 23rd, 2023|Family Counseling, Featured, Relationship Issues|

Family counseling is a great way to work through issues that affect the family unit. It can also help you grow closer together and teach strategies that help family members live together with less conflict and issues. While the benefits are good, it can be hard to know how to make family counseling work. With multiple people of varying ages involved, family counseling can feel tricky. Successful family counseling involves many factors including active participation, open communication, and a willingness to work together as a family unit. Tips for a Successful Family Counseling Experience To help you make the most of your family counseling experience, consider these tips: Be committed. Consider who is participating in counseling. For the best outcome, everyone in the family should be committed to the entire counseling process. It is important to attend sessions consistently and be actively engaged in the sessions. Communicate openly. Counseling offers an opportunity for everyone to be open and honest with one another. Family members must be comfortable enough to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly. The way people listen and respond will encourage other family members to do the same. Listen actively. Show others that you are listening when they speak. Family members can do this by not interrupting, having open body language, making eye contact, and asking clarifying questions. As you show empathy and understanding when others are speaking, even if you disagree, you will foster the trusting environment needed for success. Be respectful. When talking about sensitive issues, it is especially important to treat each other with respect and avoid blaming or criticizing. Instead of generalizing or making accusations, focus on the issues and behaviors. This prevents personal attacks. Participate. Everyone in the family should have the opportunity to participate equally. Every person’s perspective is an [...]

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Finding the Right Help for Your Teen

By |May 10th, 2023|Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Life can be a turbulent journey that takes savvy and deep wisdom to negotiate well. As a parent, you face a variety of challenges, not least of which is getting help for your teen to live in ways that help them flourish as they mature in the Lord. In moments of honest vulnerability, parents will often acknowledge that they don’t have it all figured out and have a lot to learn when it comes to parenting their kids. That’s all right. It’s more common than you’d think and help is available. Does my teen need counseling? Teens are figuring out who they are in a new phase of life. If parents struggle trying to figure out how to help for their teen as they struggle through the changes initiated by adolescence, imagine how those teens are experiencing this bewildering time. Of course, 21st-century children have no shortage of voices telling them who they should be, from friends at school, influencers on social media, and the adults in their life. Much of the “wisdom” your teen encounters will likely not be helpful or may conflict with your values as a family. Your teen may need counseling in certain circumstances, including the following: Their grades are dropping, and they’re getting in trouble at school. Their weight and appetite change dramatically. They become more isolated and withdrawn, and they seem sad. They begin harming themselves, and they talk about death and dying. They begin abusing substances, from recreational and other drugs to alcohol and other substances to get a high. They are engaging in high-risk behavior such as unprotected and promiscuous sex, or reckless driving. They have unexplained anger outbursts, and they struggle to regulate their emotions. It’s important to remember that becoming a teenager will bring changes, and each child will [...]

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How to Communicate Better with Your Child

By |February 18th, 2023|Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Your child listens and learns from you through your words, the tone and sound of your voice, your facial expression, and the affection that accompanies them when you interact with them. Learning to communicate better with your child is a valuable skill. You can learn how. Relying on personal experience or traditions from your family of origin may not be sufficient. Being clear with yourself that better communication can be learned means that you will likely take advantage of this opportunity and familiarize yourself with the various ways we communicate with our children. This is important as the way you parent and relate messages to your child teaches them how to communicate with others, it shapes their emotional development, and forms the method they will use to build relationships as they grow up. Knowing how to communicate better with your child is important and powerful. The self-concept that your child will develop as a result of their early childhood experiences gives them a sense of who they are, as well as their interpretation of their place within their family and community. Their ability to manage stress, feel confident and motivate themselves as adults is intrinsically linked to their experiences as a child between the ages of two and six years. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the relationship with the child is positive and so strengthen this outcome. Feeling blamed, judged, criticized, and the butt of jokes may fuel a negative cycle. This can lead to a self-perception that they deserve blame, judgement, criticism, and scorn. How to communicate better It is important to know there are two different types of communication. Verbal communication is the way we communicate with our words. Non-verbal communication includes both intentional and unintentional communication through body language. Verbal communication includes the [...]

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Getting Old Versus Aging Gracefully

By |February 9th, 2023|Aging and Geriatric Issues, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Some people consider the words “getting old” as derogatory as if aging is something we should think of as an insult. Yet, not only are millions of people worldwide not aging gracefully, they never live long enough to grow old. However, there is a difference between having a “getting old” mindset and aging gracefully. Aging gracefully means treating this season as you would your childhood, teen years, young adulthood, and middle age. It is another season where changes take place, and new opportunities arise. It is a time when we bring wisdom and rely on family and relationships for companionship. Tips for getting old and aging gracefully “Getting old” is a mindset that you believe you have no control over your life and that death is inevitable. Although death is the transition from this world as we know it and being with God, death can arrive for anyone and any time, no matter the age. Instead, embrace the years you have now. If you are still breathing, God is not done with you yet. You can shift your mindset to aging gracefully by being prepared and tapping into the childhood/teen/young adult years. After all, you can bring a new perspective to those seasons. Commit to caring for the body and mind. To enjoy your senior years, you want to work on your physical and mental health as early as possible. However, even if you did not stay consistent with exercise and eating nutritious food, you can start now. You may want to request help from a dietician or nutritionist to help you choose meal plans, shop for food, and cook new recipes. Your physician should give you clearance before you start any exercise regimen. However, even walking short distances as you build your endurance and stamina will improve your [...]

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