How to Communicate Better with Your Child
Your child listens and learns from you through your words, the tone and sound of your voice, your facial expression, and the affection that accompanies them when you interact with them. Learning to communicate better with your child is a valuable skill. You can learn how. Relying on personal experience or traditions from your family of origin may not be sufficient. Being clear with yourself that better communication can be learned means that you will likely take advantage of this opportunity and familiarize yourself with the various ways we communicate with our children. This is important as the way you parent and relate messages to your child teaches them how to communicate with others, it shapes their emotional development, and forms the method they will use to build relationships as they grow up. Knowing how to communicate better with your child is important and powerful. The self-concept that your child will develop as a result of their early childhood experiences gives them a sense of who they are, as well as their interpretation of their place within their family and community. Their ability to manage stress, feel confident and motivate themselves as adults is intrinsically linked to their experiences as a child between the ages of two and six years. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the relationship with the child is positive and so strengthen this outcome. Feeling blamed, judged, criticized, and the butt of jokes may fuel a negative cycle. This can lead to a self-perception that they deserve blame, judgement, criticism, and scorn. How to communicate better It is important to know there are two different types of communication. Verbal communication is the way we communicate with our words. Non-verbal communication includes both intentional and unintentional communication through body language. Verbal communication includes the [...]