The term “anxiety” refers to a group of anxiety disorders that can be related to social situations, panic attacks, fear or worry over circumstances beyond a person’s control, obtrusive thoughts. They can be related to other mental health conditions, such as depression.

At Grapevine Christian Counseling in Texas, we offer treatment for anxiety that respects your faith and values. The licensed Christian counselors in Grapevine, Texas have experience helping individuals overcome symptoms of anxiety, with God’s help.

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(469) 333-6163

To know if you are suffering from anxiety, you can ask yourself a few helpful questions.

1) Do my worries occur every day, and/or are they causing physical symptoms such as a racing heart, inability to sleep well, or obsessive thoughts?

2) Do the things I worry about come and go, such as concern about an upcoming test, but then the worry subsides after the test is over?

3) Do my fears and worries make everyday life almost impossible or interfere heavily with my daily activities, such as work, school, and relationships?

As you ask yourself these questions, you may find that the worries and fears you are experiencing are not going away. It’s important to remember that anxiety is not your fault, and it can be overcome.

Anxiety disorders range widely, so the first step toward treatment is seeking out a trained counselor who can help. At Grapevine Christian Counseling, you will find several counselors who specialize in helping children and adults with anxiety.

Once you have sought the help of a licensed counselor in Grapevine, Texas, he or she will likely ask you some exploratory questions about why you’re seeking help, your medical and mental health history, and how anxiety is impacting your daily life. These questions come in the form of paperwork and a conversation that allows the counselor to assess the best next step.

Treatments for anxiety disorders can range from a variety of psychotherapy modalities, lifestyle changes, and medicine if needed.

Anxiety disorders can be very specific to the individual and what he or she is experiencing. Some of them include:

– Agoraphobia: This is an anxiety disorder where a person avoids specific places or situations where he may feel overly stressed or panicked and unable to escape.

– Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a disorder that often accompanies other mental health issues, and its symptoms include worry about everyday life that is not commensurate with reality. For example, someone with GAD may regularly worry about the possibility of her child getting bullied by others when the child hasn’t experienced bullying and/or the threat of it is low.

– Panic disorder: This is a disorder where sudden bursts of anxiety cause physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and a sense of something terrible about to happen. They can often occur without warning and may cause a person to avoid activities for fear of a panic attack taking place.

– Social anxiety is when a person struggles regularly to operate in social situations. He or she may fear being misjudged or embarrassing himself or herself around other people. This type of anxiety may inhibit his or her ability to function well in relationships.

This is a great question. Many times, those who experience anxiety feel powerless to stop it. But learning how you can get ready for counseling may give you a sense of control that you’ve lacked.

First, it’s important to gather your medical history. Dig through your files and find anything related to previous mental health or medical issues you’ve faced.

Second, if you have living family members who can assist you, it’s important to know your family medical history. For example, did your uncle go through treatment for depression or did your mom have postpartum depression after she gave birth?

It’s important to uncover as much of your family’s medical history as possible. This will give your counselor valuable information that can help him or her individualize your treatment plan.

Another important aspect of getting ready for your counselor is to keep a journal or a log on your phone. What activities cause you stress, fear, or worry? Which ones relax you or help soothe the symptoms you’re experiencing?

Next, write down the medications or vitamins you take, including the dosages. This is an especially important step in case your counselor decides that medication may give you relief from your anxiety symptoms.

Finally, it’s best to make a list of questions you have for your counselor. Some of these include, but aren’t limited to:

  • What kind of treatment do you think will be best for my symptoms?
  • How many sessions can I expect?
  • Will I continue with you, or do I need to see a psychologist?
  • What kinds of homework might I need to do?
  • Are there lifestyle changes I should consider, and if so, what?

Next Steps

Talk to someone at Grapevine Christian Counseling today about your struggle. Through the process of counseling for anxiety, we will help you find the treatment you need to thrive. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163