Some parents struggle to understand what counseling for teens looks like, when it’s appropriate, and why a teen might benefit. The idea of your teenager needing to see a counselor can also bring mixed feelings for a parent. These feelings may include shame or guilt about not being a “good enough” parent or sadness about your teen’s struggle.

Parents need to understand that a teen’s need for counseling isn’t about them. Counseling for teens at Grapevine Christian Counseling in Texas serves multiple purposes, and it’s not always indicative of a major issue that needs to be solved.

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When a teen needs counseling, it can be hard to seek out. Yet some studies suggest that one in five teens attend some kind of counseling as they grow up. With mental health struggles on the rise, that percentage is rising too.

At Grapevine Christian Counseling, teen counseling is a means of talk therapy where teens get to meet with a counselor one on one, in a group, or with their family to discuss subjects that may be interfering with the teen’s life and/or their family’s life.

Some of these topics of discussion can be related to mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts. Others may simply be how to handle strong emotions like disappointment, anger, or feelings of abandonment.

Individual counseling is when a teen meets with a counselor one on one. This can be face-to-face or virtually and usually lasts 45-50 minutes. A counselor will ask the teen questions about his or her friendships, daily schedule, goals, and hobbies.

Next, that counselor may explore topics that relate to why the teenager is pursuing counseling. It could be that the family has recently moved, the parents have gone through a divorce, or the teen struggles with social anxiety or some other mental health condition. It’s the counselor’s job to ask questions in a way that invites teens to share.

All information shared in counseling sessions is kept confidential unless a counselor sees a serious risk of the teen harming himself or another person.

Group counseling is where teens attend a counseling-style session among a group of other teens. In this type of teen counseling, the group takes turns listening as peers share how they are coping with different problems. It benefits teens who need additional practice in conflict management and social settings. Another form of group therapy for teens is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT is a form of therapy where people learn how to reframe their thoughts and see problems from a different perspective. Group therapy can be particularly helpful to teens who need to practice and talk through how to view their problems healthily. Learning from their peers and the counselor can bring a great deal of hope and encouragement to a teen who is suffering.

Family counseling is counseling for teens whose problems are also impacting the family. In this type of counseling, the family—both parents—will often attend with the teenager. At some point in the family counseling journey, siblings may also join for a few sessions.

The benefit of family counseling is that a teen can view his or her challenges within the framework of an entire family network. Where teens may have missed that they are cared about and loved, family therapy can open dialogue and healthy communication so that it’s easier for the teen to feel supported.

Teen counseling in Grapevine, Texas can begin at any time. Contrary to old opinions, seeking out a counselor does not mean that a teen has a major problem to be solved.

Some benefits of counseling for teens at Grapevine Christian Counseling include normalizing the practice of asking for help. It also gives teens a language for discussing how they feel healthily and breaking previously held stigmas around therapy.

Adolescence, when teens are between the ages of 12 and 17, is a great time to seek the support of a trained counselor. Because teens’ bodies and brains are changing at different rates, having a counselor to talk to during adolescence can provide teens the confidence they need to seek out support when they go to college or later in life.

A trained counselor in Grapevine, Texas will begin by assessing a teen to determine what type of counseling will benefit him or her the most. If your teen doesn’t “click” right away with the counselor, it’s okay.

Determining which counselor is a good fit is important. The counselors in Grapevine, Texas understand this, and they don’t take offense if a teen needs to find a new counselor for any reason. We offer a risk-free initial session to make sure you find the best practitioner for your needs.

If you think your child would benefit from counseling, contact us today. Grapevine Christian Counseling has several providers who specialize in counseling for teens.

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Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163