Marriage and falling in love both come with their share of stress. But you could argue that they only represent the simple portion. It can be challenging to maintain a marriage. Even learning how to navigate the difficulties of life together can be difficult for any relationship. Raising children, dealing with financial difficulties, working long hours, going through personal struggles, etc., can all be difficult.

More than 40% of marriages end in divorce, which is understandable. While it’s true that some marriages simply aren’t meant to be – some partners grow apart or realize they are incompatible, for instance – many unions fail because partners lack the resources to deal with issues.

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One type of counseling that focuses specifically on marriages and relationships is couples therapy, also known as marriage counseling. The marriage therapists at Grapevine Christian Counseling (typically Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists) are specially trained to assist couples in identifying their issues and producing solutions. The safe environment of marriage counseling allows couples to work things out and express their true feelings.

At Grapevine Christian Counseling, marriage counseling is one of the best ways to enhance communication abilities, reach mutual understandings, and determine how to move forward as a couple – or amicably end a marriage, if that is the right choice for the couple. Communication is crucial when it comes to solving marital problems.

Marriage counseling frequently carries a negative connotation. Many people believe that couples who seek marriage counseling are only those who are about to divorce or separate. But the truth is that every marriage experiences difficulties. Marriage counseling is something that the majority of couples could use at some point.

Although it is referred to as “marriage counseling,” getting married is not a requirement. Any couple, regardless of the state of their relationship, is welcome to seek counseling. Straight couples, gay couples, couples of all races, and couples in non-traditional relationships can all benefit from marriage counseling (long distance; open marriages; married, but not living together). Whether you are getting married for the first time or have been married for forty years, you can attend marriage counseling. Even before getting married, many couples attend marriage counseling.

Again, the reasons you might think about marriage counseling are unlimited. A few sessions of marriage counseling can be helpful for any issue that you don’t feel like you can resolve on your own or that would benefit from an educated, objective, unbiased viewpoint.

However, particular problems frequently lead to couples seeking counseling, such as:

  • Constant arguing, lack of agreement, and inability to find a workable solution.
  • Divergent views on finances, parenting, or lifestyle.
  • Inability to effectively communicate about or find solutions to their unequal distribution of household duties.
  • Diminished chemistry on a sexual or romantic level.
  • Feeling that the marriage is operating automatically.
  • Belief that a partner is emotionally unavailableFeeling unheard.
  • Difficulty processing a recent tragedy or loss together.
  • Struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, adultery, or mental illness.

Marriage counselors typically won’t advise getting a divorce; they’ll reserve judgment. Marriage therapists frequently hold that only the parties involved can morally decide that. Although the majority of therapists still won’t advise a divorce in an abusive relationship, they will undoubtedly assist the victim in separating themselves and seeking assistance.

The majority of marriage counselors encourage participation from both partners during counseling sessions. Because the counselor wants to see how you communicate and give you both tools for better communication, this is the most effective way for marriage counseling to work. You can still go to marriage counseling alone if your partner is unwilling to go or is unable to for some other reason. You can still gain from it by discovering more about who you are and how you feel about your relationship.

Marriage counseling won’t always be emotionally comfortable, just like most therapy sessions. Marriage counseling is a secure setting where you can express some of the emotions that aren’t always expressed but that can be challenging for both you and your partner. Marriage counseling frequently involves strong feelings, some crying, and probably some yelling. That is normal and acceptable.

At Grapevine Christian Counseling, your therapist wants to create a safe environment where you and your partner can express your emotions and “let it out,” but also where you can leave with instructions on how to improve your communication and suggestions for resolving issues in the future.

Because most couples enter marriage counseling with a specific issue in mind, most sessions are brief. Marriage counseling is frequently very useful. You might even be given “homework” or specific strategies to use the following time your problem arises when you leave the session.

Marriage counseling generally only works if both you and your partner are open to beginning it. Many marriage counselors will agree to see each partner separately first if your spouse appears hesitant. In this way, both parties feel comfortable sharing their perspectives without fear of being judged by the other. By telling your partner that you are only going to try one session together and make no longer commitments, you might also be able to persuade them to join you.

If you’re looking for a marriage counselor, a great place to start is Grapevine Christian Counseling in Texas. You can locate a marriage and family therapist in your area by searching the website’s list of licensed professionals.

Couples counseling can be intimidating to suggest to your partner, especially if you are unsure of their response. The most crucial thing is to be open and honest with your partner by outlining your motivations in detail. Instead of blaming them, say that you love them and just want to work on improving your relationship.

Contrary to popular belief, marriage counseling can also be used as a preventative measure. Many people believe that you only visit a marriage counselor to mend a failing marriage. Marriage counseling provides helpful resources to support the long-term maintenance of your marriage.

For couples who lack the time commitment to commit to in-person therapy, who find the costs of therapy to be prohibitive, or who are hesitant to try more conventional therapy, online couples therapy with Grapevine Christian counseling is a wonderful option. Online marriage counseling will be helpful for couples who travel frequently, put in a lot of overtime, or have young children and few childcare options.

Online therapy is not only equally as effective as in-person therapy – all marriage counselors in Grapevine, Texas, for instance, are qualified and experienced therapists – but it can also be a great option for those who are apprehensive about in-person therapy or have never sought therapy before. Many people find it more comfortable to communicate in writing than in person, and online therapy is conducted via text, audio, and video messaging. Allowing them a little more time to reply to their partner’s or therapist’s messages might be therapeutic for them.

You want to make sure the marriage counselor is someone you trust, who is positive, open-minded, solution-focused, and who treats you both with compassion, regardless of the type of marriage counseling you’re looking for. Feel free to “shop around” until you locate a marriage therapist who meets your needs.

Marriage counseling statistics show promise. 98% of couples who try marriage counseling say their therapists are either “excellent” or “good,” according to research from the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). 90% of couples who try marriage counseling report an improvement in their emotional well-being, and two-thirds report an improvement in their physical well-being.

Contact our office today at Grapevine Christian Counseling to schedule your risk-free initial appointment.

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