The aftereffects of a traumatic experience can be vast and long-lasting. If you have experienced trauma of any kind, whether directly or indirectly, we invite you to consider trauma counseling at Grapevine Christian Counseling in Texas. Your counselor in Grapevine, Texas will offer a compassionate, safe space where you can process your experience and take the necessary steps to heal and recover.

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(469) 333-6163

To understand trauma counseling, having a solid definition of trauma is important. While a person can undergo a traumatic experience, it may not be considered trauma in the psychological sense if it does not meet certain parameters. Some of the determinants of trauma include:

  • It began with a sudden event, circumstance, or series of events that brought about a psychological impact on a person’s ability to cope with everyday life.
  • The experience impedes a person’s physical, emotional, spiritual, or social welfare.
  • The event or circumstance brings about lasting effects that interfere with everyday life, usually for a month or longer.

When a person experiences trauma, it can be circumstantial, such as a house fire or a car accident. It can also be a long-term occurrence that began with one specific incident, such as abuse in any form or homelessness.

At Grapevine Christian Counseling in Texas, trauma therapy takes a holistic view of an individual who is suffering from the effects of trauma in his or her life. The end goal of trauma counseling is healing. A trauma-informed counselor will choose from a variety of trauma-informed types of counseling to help an individual learn to cope in healthy ways again.

An individual who has undergone trauma can exhibit its effects in a variety of ways. Depending on the time of trauma experienced, the age at which the person experienced it, and whether it was a firsthand experience or watching a loved one go through the trauma, the treatment plan included in trauma counseling will differ.

Trauma counseling should incorporate a variety of disciplines including psychotherapy from a trained trauma-informed counselor, but it may also include a team of others who can help someone learn how to face the trauma and begin the journey of healing from it. These other supports may include addiction counselors or programs, social workers, and other kinds of behavioral scientists, depending on the person’s need.

Ultimately, trauma counseling has one goal: to remove traumatization so that the person who underwent the traumatic event can carry on a sustainable, productive lifestyle that does not rely on coping mechanisms to bury the trauma.

Facing trauma is a very brave thing to do. We commend anyone who recognizes his or her need to overcome trauma.

When a person undergoes trauma counseling in Grapevine, Texas, he or she can expect to:

  • Call Grapevine Christian Counseling and speak to one of the team members about the need for counseling.
  • Schedule an initial evaluation appointment with one of the trauma-informed counselors in Grapevine, Texas.
  • Meet your counselor at the appointed time and let him or her ask some basic questions about what led to your interest in counseling. This will likely include medical history, any medications the person is taking, insurance information, etc.
  • Follow-up appointments will help a patient learn about the types of counseling that the trauma-informed counselor recommends for his or her individual needs.

Trauma counseling in Grapevine, Texas does not always have to take a long period. It depends on the person’s needs and how the trauma has impacted his or her daily life. Grapevine Christian Counseling is here to help.

Types of Trauma Counseling

A good trauma counselor will evaluate a person’s need for trauma counseling and be able to work with other practitioners as needed to provide a holistic path toward healing.

Trauma counseling includes prolonged exposure therapy. This is when a patient talks through the traumatic event in detail. Then the patient works on a plan to slowly make lifestyle adjustments that may have been triggering due to reminders of the trauma-inducing event. Known as PE, this type of trauma counseling can help a patient face scary everyday situations that he or she would have previously avoided.

Other trauma counseling types are cognitive processing therapy (CPT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and trauma-informed cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). EMDR helps patients learn to feel emotions that have been blocked due to trauma, while CPT and CBT explore a patient’s beliefs related to the traumatic event and how those are shaping his or her life today.

At Grapevine Christian Counseling in Texas, trauma counseling is focused on the experience that triggered a person’s inability to cope in some way, whether it’s socially, emotionally, or physically. It can give a person freedom from nightmares, help a person escape problematic thinking and beliefs, provide healthy coping mechanisms, and rescue a person who may be living out of fear or avoidant behavior.

If you or a loved one thinks trauma counseling will help, Grapevine Christian Counseling is ready to serve you with the utmost care. Contact our office today to begin your journey toward healing.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163